Hi! I’m Kara.

I’m the ideas editor at Christianity Today and a freelance writer on topics of religion and culture. I have a bachelor’s in media studies and a master of arts in theology.

I’m an editor. I’m currently an editor at Christianity Today and have also edited book manuscripts and academic articles. It brings me no greater joy to hear a writer say that they are proud of their final project.

I’m a writer. I’m a religion journalist by training and especially focus on profile features. I’ve written for Christianity Today, The News & Observer, Common Good Magazine, Religion Unplugged, RELEVANT Magazine, Christ and Pop Culture, and The Gospel Coalition, among others. I’ve also written for lifestyle and technology blogs (including Insider.com). My profile writing has won several awards and fellowship grants.

I’m a storyteller. I believe everyone has a story worth telling. The art of telling our stories is a skill: from social media to personal branding to writing a book or essay. And it’s a skill we can learn.

I live in coastal Rhode Island with my husband, Shane. In our free time, we enjoy CrossFit, serving in our local church, hanging out with college students, and reading.